Ordering your coffee these days can be a little intimidating, but not with the Caffeluxe Coffee Guide. Let us teach you our ways, brew!


A – Affogato

Espresso poured on vanilla ice-cream. Can be served in a cappuccino cup.


A – Americano

Espresso with added hot water (100-150ml) Often served in a cappuccino cup. This drink is preferably made when the espresso is added to the hot water rather than all the water flowed through the coffee that would lead to over extraction)


C – Caffe Latte

A tall ‘milk’ coffee. An espresso with steamed milk & only a little milk foam poured on top. Sound like too much? Try our Caffeluxe Dolce Gusto Compatible Caramel Latte Coffee Pods. One Drink, at a touch of a button. Perfect every time.


C – Caffe Mocha

A Caffe Latte with chocolate & whipped cream. Pour chocolate syrup into a tall glass, followed by an espresso shot & steamed milk.


C – Café Au Lait

The perfect French morning coffee. This delicious coffee is made by mixing dark roasted filter coffee (usually made in a French press) and warm milk. But again, Caffeluxe is to the rescue. Try our delicious Caffeluxe Dolce Gusto Compatible Café Au Lait Coffee Pods.


C – Cappuccino

A coffee drink consisting of espresso & milk foam mixture. Served in a cappuccino cup. Caffeluxe also has made life easier for you by creating this delicious Caffeluxe Cappuccino Crème Coffee Capsule. Perfect Cappuccino every time, without the fuss.


C – Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee is a smooth cold beverage prepared by brewing freshly ground coffee in cold water. Perfect on those scorching South African Summer days.


D – Double Espresso

Also known as Doppio. Doppio is Italian Multiplier, meaning ‘double’. This is a double portion of espresso, served in a larger espresso cup or cappuccino cup.


E – Espresso (pronounced with an ‘S’ not an ‘X’ – unless referring to the morning TV show)

Espresso, the beauty of a quick single shot. Usually around 40ml, served in an espresso cup. Why not try out our Caffeluxe Nespresso Compatible Dark Roast Espresso from our Signature Range?


E – Espresso Con Panna

A shot of espresso topped with creamy whipped cream. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

E – Espresso Macchiato

Espresso with a little milk foam, served in an espresso cup.


F – Flat White

A coffee drink with a double espresso & light frosted milk. Again, this luxurious drink with silky foam can be found conveniently wrapped up in our Caffeluxe Dolce Gusto Flat White Coffee Capsules. Now there is truly no excuse to spoil yourself at a push of a button.


F- Frappe

Rich iced coffee made of espresso, milk & ice. Flavoured Syrup can be added is desired. This drink is mixed in a blender & served in a latte glass. (300ml)


F – Freakshake

News to you? Well carry on reading! A Freakshake is basically anything that is blended/mixed/stirred with various toppings, making this the most ‘Instagrammable’ coffee at the moment. Coffee Freakshakes are made with cold brew coffee.


I – Iced Latte

Ice, cold milk and your favourite espresso in a latte glass (300ml). Feel free to mix some sugar or flavoured syrup for that extra kapow!


I – Iced Mocha

Cold Caffe Mocha. Prepared like an Iced Latte, but garnished & flavoured like a Caffe Mocha.

Served in a 300ml glass.


I – Irish Coffee

This classic is always a winner. Classic coffee Cocktail where Irish Whiskey is mixed with filter coffee and gently topped with a layer of freshly whipped cream. For those who don’t enjoy the occasional tipple, try Caffeluxe Nespresso Compatible Irish Cream Espresso Capsules. You’ll thank us later.


L- Latte Macchiato

Just like the traditional Caffe Latte, but with a thicker, more generous layer of foam. Often made by pouring an espresso last into the milk. This tall (300ml) drink is served in a Latte glass.


L – Lungo

An espresso pulled long. Meaning that this is generally served up to 100ml, flavour depending. Caffeluxe Dolce Gusto Compatible Americano Lungo Pods or our Caffeluxe  Nespresso Compatible Dark Roast Lungo Capsules take out all the guessing. Helping you to get your fix without any hassles.


O – Open-Pot Method

A brewing method is as old as the hills. Ground coffee is steeped (not boiled) in an open pot, and then separated from the brewed coffee by straining.


R – Ristretto

A very short shot of espresso. Usually enjoyed in an espresso cup, but only at about 20ml.


T – Turkish Coffee

Coffee ground to a powder & sweetened, brought to a boil & then served, grounds & all!

That’ll give you a ‘Get Up & Go!’


V – Viennese Coffee

This coffee is brewed by drip or filter method, usually topped with a delicious helping of whipped cream.

Caffeluxe Viennese Coffee